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ATTENTION: You will need to validate your Flare Platform Account to find the flags. Once signed up here, you should receive an email from contact@flared.io. If you have any problems, contact us.



Your company, Scatterholt, has experienced a data breach due to human error and you just found out about it through an alert. As a threat analyst, it’s your role to find any sensitive data that’s been leaked as quickly as possible.

We don’t want this information to fall into the wrong hands…

For this mission, you will need to search the dark and clear web, including dark web forums, marketplaces, and other dangerous sites in order to uncover the threat actor responsible for the data breach. If you don't get to the bottom of this leak soon, the threat actor will sell this information. Get to the bottom of this to protect your organization's employees and avoid millions of dollars spent on damage control.

You will also need to research malicious actors, but no worries, on the Flare platform the data is consolidated so you are not at risk.


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